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Whatcom HEZ
Whatcom HEZ
The Whatcom Health Equity Zone initiative is all about inclusive community growth, and we’re just getting started. Whether you’re just hearing about us or haven’t had a chance to join in yet, we want to make sure your voice is heard. We're excited to announce more opportunities to engage and contribute to shaping the health and happiness of our community. Your insights and experiences are crucial as we explore new projects and priorities—from enhancing local healthcare to possibly expanding medical services like dental care.
Don’t miss your chance to make a real impact! Come, share your ideas, and help us ensure that our initiatives meet the true needs of everyone in the Mount Baker School District. Together, let’s build a healthier, more vibrant community. Reach out, get involved, and let’s make change happen!
Our zone's backbone organization and current fiscal sponsor is the Chuckanut Health Foundation Health Equity Zone Initiative — Chuckanut Health Foundation
Whatcom HEZ Timeline (2023 - present)
December 2024
Whatcom HEZ partners worked with the East Whatcom Regional Resource Center to host a Community Meal connecting community members in the Maple Falls area with available resources and presenting new HEZ materials. Community members also had the opportunity to look at some of the health issues identified during the Spring and Fall 2024 outreach. The nomination form for the Community Advisory Board was presented at this meeting and is available in hard copy at the East Whatcom Regional Resource Center and local libraries.
September 2024 - November2024
The Whatcom HEZ partners attended and co-sponsored several community events to share out about HEZ and gather more community input on health issues identified during Spring 2024. Additionally, the Whatcom HEZ began development of core structural documents and plans for a Community Advisory Board.
August 2024
In June 2024 the Whatcom HEZ partners hosted community gatherings to help truth test the findings in past community and state data sources. and to start to narrow down health focuses for the area.
During the meetings, attendees were engaged in reviewing the compiled data from community and state to gauge their agreement with the compiled data. Participants were asked to identify areas of agreement, highlight missing information, and discuss existing community strengths that could address these issues. The agenda was structured to foster community building, extensive discussion, and envisioning future community aspirations.
A summary of findings will be available after the responses during the gathering are compiled and reviewed by community members.
June 2024
Throughout Spring 2024 the Chuckanut Health Foundation and East County partners developed an outreach plan to start sharing about the Health Equity Zones Initiative and what it means for the rural communities in East Whatcom in the geographic area of the Mount Baker School District.
In recognition of the work and community surveying that has gone on in the past ten years the Whatcom HEZ partners hosted community gatherings meant to help truth test the findings in those surveys and to start to narrow down health focuses for the area.
Whatcom HEZ partners shared the word at various local gatherings with a goal of bringing the community together on June 15th at the Deming Senior Center and June 28th at the East Whatcom Regional Resource Center.
January 2024
Collaborators, including several nominators from Whatcom County, came together to create an outreach plan for the Zone that builds on previous community engagement in Rural Whatcom County. Coming in 2024, zone collaborators will host listening sessions and community gatherings to build community awareness and gather input before moving forward with establishing a guiding body for the zone.
August 2023
The Rural Communities of Whatcom County have long served as an agricultural center and major port of entry into Washington. With more than 100,000 acres of rich farmland, an active commercial fishing industry, and both large student and older adult populations, the nomination for the Rural Communities of Whatcom County noted that, geographically, it is predominantly rural but also has a mid-sized city in Bellingham. This combination presents a case study for advancing health equity and bridge-building between rural communities and more densely populated areas of a region.