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Strategic Goals and Actions

Our Strategic Priorities, Goals, & Strategies
Strategic Priority: Training & Education
Goal: Increase training and education opportunities for community health workers and supervisors.
- Strategies
- Improve accessibility for training and education
- Improve DOH's CHW Training Program based on recommendations
- Provide training for supervisors of community health workers
Strategic Priority: Employer Support
Goal: Improve support for community health workers and promote long-term retention.
- Strategies
- Identify a consistent wage scale for the community health worker workforce
- Identify and promote opportunities for supervisors and employers to invest in community health workers
- Identify key organizational steps to promote community health worker retention
Strategic Priority: Sustainability & Growth
Goal: Develop systems of support that will promote growth and sustainability for the community health worker workforce.
- Strategies
- Explore community health worker certification or similar competency measures
- Increase awareness of and benefits of community health worker roles within health and social service systems
- Explore opportunities for sustainable funding streams
Strategic Priority: Visibility & Infrastructure
Goal: Promote community health workers as a trusted healthcare profession.
- Strategies
- Connect community health workers across the state by building on existing spaces of connection with local and statewide CHW networks
- Explore the development of standards and expectations for conducting work as a CHW
- Increase understanding of CHW impact and capacity with the public, state and local leaders, and potential employers