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PPCF Workgroup
The Pregnant, Parenting, Children and Families with Substance Use (PPCF) workgroup is coordinated by the Department of Health. The workgroup initiatives are developed and implemented in partnership with the Healthcare Authority (HCA), the Department of Children, Youth & Families (DCYF), the Washington State Hospital Association (WSHA), Local Public Health, and many other organizations and individuals.
Current initiatives to expand access to services:
- Principle Allies is leading an effort to bring Rising Strong to the West of the Cascades.
- Rising Strong is a holistic, family-centered drug treatment and housing program supporting families to stay together while recovering from addiction, healing trauma, and rebuilding their lives.
- Grays Harbor Pregnant and Parenting Individuals (PPI) Project: A plan to develop and operate a 16-bed substance use disorder residential treatment facility serving pregnant and parenting families is currently underway. The facility will use a family preservation model so that families can reside together, while the parent receives substance use disorder treatment. The project is in its early development stage and updates will be provided on and on-going basis.
- Policy Workgroup: The Department of Health facilitated a policy workgroup to look at what policy changes are needed so all birthing hospitals in Washington can provide withdrawal/stabilization care for parents at birth. The workgroup consisted of people working at the Department of Health, the Health Care Authority, Addiction Medicine Specialists and nurses. In addition to workgroup meetings, two listening sessions were held with OB care providers (MD, RN and Social Workers) across the state. This 2-pager outlines the policy recommendations that came from this workgroup.