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Current Projects

Below is a list of our current projects.
Positive Community Norms (PCN) Pilot Survey
EfC collaborated with The Montana Institute to develop a pilot survey instrument to measure Positive Community Norms around community support for parents/caregivers. Based on the Science of the Positive, the PCN approach helps to identify and grow the positive, protective factors that already exist within communities. Ultimately, the survey data will strengthen work already underway, identify new areas of opportunity, and inform the development of Positive Norms campaigns.
EfC and Local Health Jurisdiction (LHJ) partners in Spokane, WA worked alongside The Montana Institute to pilot the survey instrument in the spring of 2024. After analysis of the pilot testing and final adjustments to the survey tool are completed, the survey tool will be available for community partners to use in their communities to inform potential Positive Norms Campaigns. A gathering to discuss findings from the pilot and future implementation opportunities took place June 2024.
See a recording of the June 2024 presentation and discussion
Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE) Local Health Jurisdiction (LHJ) Community of Practice (CoP)
The HOPE CoP brings together interested LHJ colleagues to learn, share, and support each other in the promotion and application of the Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE) framework and related approaches in local public health practice. The intent of this work is to build on and enhance existing efforts to reduce and mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences and to increase child, family, and community well-being and resilience.
Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) Implementation Evaluation
Evaluation Summary
In collaboration with the University of Washington and the Washington State Employment Security Department, EfC completed an implementation evaluation to advance understanding of how Washington State’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Program contributes to child and family well-being (e.g., reducing family stress, improving mental health) and addresses disparities in health outcomes (including behavioral health) among populations of focus (i.e., BIPOC, low income, residents of rural areas). Select evaluation findings indicated that parents took leave for a mental health condition as a last resort during a crisis and reported improvement in health, lower stress and financial stability when participating in the program. Additionally, workplaces were identified as key intermediaries between parents and the WA Paid Leave program, by facilitating or hindering the use of the leave program. Lack of information, program design and financial hardship were noted by some parents as the biggest barriers in using the WA Paid Leave program.
EfC partners participating in policy working sessions identified activities to further support this project’s efforts. Activities include:
- Promoting the PFML program through coordinated outreach activities and supporting activities that increase accessibility to PFML and other programs that provide economic supports to families.
- Facilitating cross-collaboration between EfC and partners (e.g., Washington Prenatal-to-Three Coalition) to work on efforts including program implementation evaluations to strengthen economic supports to families.
For more information on the Paid Family and Medical Leave implementation evaluation, please see the attached two-page summary.
Community Protective Factors Measurement Project
EfC is partnering with the Washington State University (WSU) to identify modifiable community-level factors associated with the prevention and reduction of childhood adversity. Potential outcomes of the entire project include strategies to measure and monitor community-level protective factors. Current work includes consulting and engaging sector representatives and community members on processes for collecting, using, analyzing, and sharing data on modifiable community-level factors to inform state and community-level interventions.