Mentorships, Professional Organizations, Job Boards

Colored pencils watercolor

We’ll occasionally add resources to the ones shown below.  

If you have any resources that you’d like to share with us, please reach out to Toi at  


Mentorship Programs

  • Diversify Dietetics Mentor Program
    • For students and young professionals who are Diversify Dietetics members 
    • Applications August-September, mentorships start in October
    • Year-long mentorship; minimum time commitment of one meeting per month
  • RD Mentorship Program
    • Administered by Texas Tech University and Texas A&M University
    • For students in the Junior or Senior year of the dietetics bachelor's degree track or Graduate students in dietetics
    • Applications August-September, mentorships start in October
    • Year-long mentorship; minimum time commitment of one meeting per month


Dietetics Education Webpages 


Professional Organizations 



Job Boards




Studies and Surveys