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WA State HPV Free Task Force
Washington State HPV Free Task Force

Who We are
The Washington State HPV Task Force is a group of representatives from various sectors including Federally Qualified Health Centers, managed care organizations/payors, hospitals, primary care providers, government, tribal entities, and others involved in HPV vaccination and prevention. The task force membership includes clinical care team, quality improvement staff, researchers, survivors, community members, and other partners.
To learn more about this task force, check out this flyer about WA HPV Free Task Force. You can also find more information about this task force on Washington State HPV Free Task Force (
What We Do
- Mission
Our mission is to increase human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates in Washington state and reduce the amount of HPV associated disease by engaging and supporting diverse partners and increasing knowledge about HPV and cancer prevention.
- Vision
WA State HPV Task Force aims for all preteens to complete human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations to eliminate future HPV cancer incidence.
- Goal
To attain a measurable reduction of HPV associated disease in Washington State by achieving 80% vaccination completion rate by age 13 by 2026.
How to Get Involved
- Member Expectations and Time Commitment
Involvement may range from being placed on the distribution list to staying apprised of current information to participating in a committee or presenting at a meeting. You determine your level of participation. Meetings are scheduled quarterly
- 2-3 Quarterly meetings of 2 hrs. on Zoom.
- 1 Annual HPV Roundtable of 4 hours on Zoom
- Clinical Intervention and Provider Engagement Workgroup
- Community Outreach Workgroup
Please familiarize yourself with the Taskforce’s Group Agreements prior to attending our meetings.
- Upcoming Meetings
HPV Task Force Quarterly Meeting
- Friday, February 7, 2025, 8:00 am- 10:30 am
- Past Meetings Slides and Notes
HPV Task Force Quarterly Meetings
- Friday, October 11, 2024
- Friday, February 02, 2024
- Presentation slides
- Meeting Recording and passcode: fs0z#SY6
- Friday, October 20, 2023
Annual HPV Roundtable
- 2024 WA State Annual HPV Roundtable
- Friday, May 10, 2024
- 2023 WA State Annual HPV Roundtable
- Friday, April 28th, 2023
- Key Resources
- Dental HPV Resources
- Talk to Your Doctor About HPV Vaccine- Dental HPV Reminder Card
HPV Dental Toolkit
Details: The Massachusetts Oral HPV Task Force developed the first HPV dental toolkit in 2016 to improve HPV knowledge for dentists. Since then, it’s used in dental outreach across Massachusetts and has been successfully adapted in seven states.
A newly launched version of the toolkit is now available, and its design reflects feedback from users and provides the most up-to-date recommendations. It also includes internal training materials on how to recommend the HPV vaccine, as well as in-office communication materials. Click here to access the free, downloadable toolkit.
HPV infection can lead to oral cancers. Oropharyngeal cancer in men is rising sharply in recent years. Oral healthcare providers are in a great position to explain the risks of HPV and oral cancer and empower their patients ages 9 to 26 to get the HPV vaccine.
If you would like to get involved or would like to learn more, please contact: Katie Treend, Washington State Department of Health at