Note: Some links to federal government websites may be broken due to presidential executive orders.
Find Disparities
Your organization values fair and equal treatment of all patients. But how do you know that’s happening?
Here are some tools and resources suggested by partners to identify differences in the cardiovascular health of your populations:
Washington Data Dashboards
A series of interactive dashboards that allow you to explore data on populations and measures for Washington State.
Quick Maps of Heart Disease, Stroke, and Socio-economic Conditions
View ready-made national heart disease and stroke maps by age and racial or ethnic group.
Population-based approaches to understanding disparities in cardiovascular disease risk in the United States
Article providing narrative review of the literature on the current science and evidence of population-level differences in risk factors for heart disease among different racial and ethnic population in the US.
Racial Differences in Hypertension: Implications for High Blood Pressure Management