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Partner with Community Health Workers
What is a community health worker (CHW)? This is an umbrella term used to describe frontline public health workers who serve communities across the state under a variety of names. Community health workers are dedicated professionals and trusted, involved members of their communities. They serve as links between social and health services and their communities to improve access to quality, culturally competent care. More and more often, CHWs play a crucial role in getting information, resources, and linkages to services for populations that outside the mainstream.
The Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes Prevention Program at the Washington State Department of Health provides training on Cardiovascular Health, Supporting Accurate Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring, and implementing the Heart Health Ambassador Washington - Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring (HHWA-BPSM). Please email us at to learn about training opportunities or schedule a training for your organization.
Here are some tools and resources suggested by partners for working with CHWs to improve cardiovascular health of your patients:
Community Health Worker Training System – WA Department of Health
The Community Guide - Cardiovascular Disease: Interventions Engaging Community Health Workers
Would you like more information on how to partner with Community Health Workers on your health care team or in your community? Contact us and we will connect you with the best resource for your setting.