Implementing Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Primary Care: Environmental Scan Volume 1

The environmental scan demonstrates that, while offering MAT services in rural primary care settings may appear complex, many primary care providers view it as the treatment and "long-term management" of a chronic recurring disorder. Thus, in many ways, it is similar to the treatment they already provide for patients with asthma, diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic health conditions. Some promising models and important principles have been identified, but significant gaps remain in the evidence base, particularly as it applies to implementing MAT for OUD in rural primary care settings. However, as the opioid crisis has become such an important national focus, new publications and grey literature resources are appearing at a very rapid pace.


Care Managers Executives Nurses Operations Practice Manager Primary Care Provider (Physician, ARNP, or PA) Psychologist/Mental Health/Psychiatrists Quality Improvement Managers Regional Connectors Social Workers Support Staff

Practice type

Behavioral Health Primary Care

Resource type

Guidelines Policy Tools
Westat Rockville, MD Garrett E. Moran Caroline M. Snyder Rebecca F. Noftsinger Joshua K. Noda

Practice transformation

Opioid Use

Publication date

Sponsoring organization