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Other RDN Pathways

Other RDN Pathways
Besides the DI-only, MS/DI, and Coordinated Programs (CPs), there are a few more ways to earn your RDN credentials.
Graduate Program in Nutrition and Dietetics (GP)
A pathway that is gaining popularity is the Graduate Program in Nutrition and Dietetics (GP). This pathway was formerly known as the Future Education Model (FEM) and is similar to the Coordinated Program pathway. The difference is that instead of a separated dietetic internship, this program integrates experiential learning throughout the course of the master’s degree program. Typically, a GP program will also include academic coursework similar to DPD coursework. Because of the woven in experiential learning and the elimination of a separate dietetic internship (no DICAS/matching process), this type of program can reduce the overall time spent on education toward a RDN credential.
On the pathway map, the GP looks like this:

Washington State currently does not offer any GP programs.
Individual Supervised Practice Pathways (ISPP)
This educational pathway used to be more widely available but is now only available to applicants who hold a doctoral degree.
Learn more about this pathway on the ACEND Individual Supervised Practice Pathways page.