About Us

What this site is not

The site is not intended for use by the general public and does not provide assistance with health insurance or other government services.

Other state agencies use the terms "WA Portal" and "My Portal." What you need may be on a different website:

Administered by the state Department of Health (DOH), the Healthier Washington Collaboration Portal (WA Portal) is designed to accelerate collaboration and resource sharing between Washington's public health professionals and community-based organizations.

The Collaboration Portal was built by Washington health care providers, educators, public health, and community-based professionals – all working together to create health and wellness solutions that can be used across the state.

What is available on this site?

From Child Health to Rural Palliative Care, public health partners use the Collaboration Portal to support a variety of public health initiatives. The sections below describe the different ways we support collaboration and engagement.

Partner Pages

The site helps programs share information, resources, and training to move our state forward in improving health outcomes for Washington State residents.

See our Partners landing page for summaries of the information and resources available. Visit the site index to view the list of Partners sorted by topic.

Team Space

Groups that are working on a health initiative can log in to use member-to-member file-sharing, a discussion board, and more. This easily accessible space is open to: 

  • Local health jurisdictions
  • Sovereign Tribal Nations
  • State and local governmental agencies
  • Community organizations
  • Nonprofit agencies
  • Academic institutions
  • Healthcare providers or professionals
  • Community members

Regional Health Offices

DOH’s Regional Health Offices are comprised of Regional Medical Officers and Regional Liaisons who support and collaborate with our Governmental Public Health System partners—including local health jurisdictions and Tribes—where they are in ways that best respond to their specific needs.

Resource Library

The resource library provides a wide range of evidence-based information from local and national sources. The content is easily searchable and can be filtered for specific audiences, health care practices, or health topics.

How can I get access to the Collaboration Portal for myself or my group?

Contact the Collaboration Portal team to request a meeting and discuss your needs. If your group is already using the portal and you’re not sure how to join or onboard your team members, check our How To page for guidance.


I tried to log in or reset my password but my email address or password isn't working.

Have you checked to make sure your browser isn’t pre-filling an incorrect username or password? If your browser settings are correct, contact us to receive assistance

I am new to visiting WA Portal and would like to request an account.

New accounts are only for individuals invited to a Team or provided after an introductory meeting with the site’s administrators. Contact us to request a meeting

How do I submit an accessibility request or get content translated?

Most pages on the site include contact information to help you reach the specific programs providing content on the site. They will assist with responding to your request for accessibility or translation services. If you are not able to find contact information or do not receive a response, you can contact the Collaboration Portal team for help reaching them.

Land Acknowledgement

We at the Healthier Washington Collaboration Portal would like to acknowledge that as content creators, editors, and users of this site we operate on the traditional homelands of Indigenous People of Washington.

We wish to thank the sovereign tribal nations for their stewardship and care of this land since time immemorial. Their presence is invaluable to Washington’s culture, and we recognize their forced sacrifices in history. The past, present, and future presence of these tribes and their people are essential to public health and our mission to create a more equitable Washington. This land acknowledgement is just one small step towards allyship and our commitment.