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RDN Exam Resources

Welcome to the RD Exam Resources page!
Congratulations, you’ve reached the final step before earning your RDN credential!
On the RDN pathway, you are here:

What is the RD Exam?
Officially, this exam is known as the “Registration Examination for Registered Dietitians,” but most everyone knows it as the “RD Exam.” It is overseen by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). Once you’ve completed the DPD verification, the master’s degree, and the supervised practice requirements, you have reached “RDN eligibility” and are eligible to sit for this national exam.
The exam is divided into four domains and the test questions focus on each domain as follows:
- Principles of Dietetics (21%)
- Nutrition Care for Individuals and Groups (45%)
- Management of Food and Nutrition Programs and Services (21%)
- Foodservice Systems (13%)
The examination includes questions that are intended to test at either the comprehension or application level:
- Comprehension questions require accurate understanding of concepts, principles, and procedures, and include the ability to translate information presented in different formats, such as graphs, tables, and formulas.
- Questions at the application level generally involve using information or knowledge to solve a problem, make a decision, select a course of action, and so on.
The examination is computer-based and variable length:
- Each candidate will be given a minimum of one hundred and twenty-five (125) questions; one hundred (100) scored questions and twenty-five (25) pretest questions.
- The maximum number of questions possible is one hundred and forty-five (145); one hundred and twenty (120) scored questions and twenty-five (25) unscored pretest questions.
- In order to receive a passing or a failing score report, the candidate must complete between 125–145 questions.
- During the examination, if the candidate does not respond to the minimum of 125 questions (for whatever reason), he/she will receive a failing score report.
- Pretesting is done to see how well items perform before they are used in the scored portion of any examination.
- The pretest questions cannot be distinguished from those that will be scored, so it is important that candidates answer all questions.
- All of the questions on the examination are intended to be practice related.
- Questions from any of the four content domains can appear anywhere in the examination; they are intermingled and do not appear in content order.
Time allotted:
- Three hours
Exam Fee:
- Prior to June 1, 2024: $200
- June 1, 2024, and on: $225
- Bundle of two attempts: $325
Testing Locations:
- Exams are administered year-round at Pearson VUE test centers,
- See the Pearson VUE website to find a test center near you.
Learn more about the RD exam:
RD Exam Study Resources
We’re slowly adding to this page, as we become aware of more resources. If you have any resources you’d like to share with others, please reach out to Toi at
- eatrightPREP for the RDN Exam: $199.99
- All Access Dietetics: Exam Tookit: Free