Note: Some links to federal government websites may be broken due to presidential executive orders.
Child and Family Data Sources

Washington State Data Sources
The Healthy Youth Survey (HYS) is a collaborative effort of the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Department of Health, the Health Care Authority - Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, and the Liquor and Cannabis Board. It is a statewide survey measuring health and risk behaviors among Washington State youth, given to students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12.
Child Care Need and Supply Data
This is one of multiple early learning dashboards hosted by the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF). This dashboard maps the estimated percent of child care need for families currently met by licensed child care, preschool, and/or subsidized care.
Child Care Stabilization Grant Awards
This is one of multiple early learning dashboards hosted by DCYF. This dashboard maps where providers who have received DCYF’s Child Care Stabilization Grants for licensed providers are located.
Child Care Stabilization Zip Code Factors
This is one of multiple early learning dashboards hosted by DCYF. This dashboard maps geographic zip code factors that are used to inform the DCYF Child Care Stabilization Grants. These include extreme childcare access desert, high rate of child maltreatment, high childhood poverty, rural counties, high concentration of children in racial/ethnic groups experiencing disproportionality in kindergarten entry, high concentration of children of color by population, and high COVID impact.
Child Welfare and Health Service Trends in WA State
This is a DCYF report that visualizes Child Protective Services Intakes and Medical Visits for children enrolled in Medicaid, SCHIP, and related programs over time.
WA State Public Education Data Portal
This is the data portal for publicly available data from the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Data is available about, but is not limited to, prek-12 students, school facilities, and educators.
Healthier Washington Dashboard
This is a series of dashboards hosted by the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) to support regional and local health assessment and planning. Users are able to visually compare health measures over time by geographic region or demographics.
WA Data & Research - Population Changes
Section of the Washington State Office of Financial Management website that addresses population change in Washington over time, including visualizations of trends, distribution by age, gender, and race, and a comparison of natural increase compared to net migration.
WA Young Adult Health Survey (WYAHS)
The WYAHS is a statewide, online survey that collects information about health behaviors in young adults aged 18-25 years old. Findings are available via topical reports from each data collection period.
The Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) has been collecting and publishing data on individual, family, peer, and community factors contributing to the prevention of substance abuse for nearly two decades. These county profiles allow users to see change over time at a county and statewide level.
This is the landing page for Washington State Department of Health topical dashboards as well as community reports tool. The topical dashboards are listed by topic, whereas the community reports tool allows users to browse multiple health indicators in a geographic area simultaneously.
King County Best Starts for Kids Health Survey
King County Best Starts for Kids works alongside the University of Washington’s School of Social Work Survey Research Division to conduct the Kids Health Survey.
This is a resource that supports King County communities in the use of data in promoting and achieving equity. The visualizations use population data from a variety of national, state, and local data sources.
A partnership between Children’s Alliance and the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Kids Count in Washington develops reports related to key child well-being indicators, combining context with available data.
The Child Well-Being Data Portal is a joint project of the Center for Social Sector Analytics & Technology (CSSAT) and Partners for Our Children (POC). The data for the visualization tools mostly come from DCYF, the US Census Bureau, Washington’s Office of Financial Management, and the National Data Archive of Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN). Users can browse visualizations or access county-specific reports.
Children's Bureau Child Welfare Outcomes
This is a webpage of all Washington state data included in the Child Welfare Outcomes 2021: Report to Congress.
National Data Sources
Created by, the Child Opportunity Index (COI) measures and maps the quality of resources and conditions that matter for children to develop in a health way in the neighborhoods where they live. Users can access the COI datasets, explore maps, and learn more about the COI methodology and impact.
This is a central repository for data on the well-being of children funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. It pulls data from state and national level sources. Users can search by indicator, topic, or geographic area and visualize data in a variety of ways.
National Survey of Children's Health
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) funds and directs this annual, nationwide survey on intersecting aspects of children’s lives—including physical and mental health, access to quality health care, and the child’s family, neighborhood, school, and social context. Users can search by indicator and geographic area or access publicly available datasets.
RAPID Project, based out of Stanford University
RAPID is an ongoing early childhood and family well-being survey that launched in April 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, collecting nationwide data from households with children age birth–5. The core content areas of the RAPID survey are child and parent well-being, experiences of material hardship, access to and use of childcare, and use of preventive health care. Users can access trend data and reports.
Run by the U.S. Census Bureau, the Household Pulse Survey is a 20-minute online survey studying how the coronavirus pandemic and other emergent issues are impacting households across the country from a social and economic perspective. Users can access an interactive data visualization tool or the underlying data tables.
Created by Casey Family Programs, the Community Opportunity Map is an interactive tool that highlights the aspects of communities that are associated with safe children and strong families. This interactive, research-based framework is composed of select community indicators available to view at geographic levels defined by the user, from the state level down to neighborhoods, and many can be disaggregated by race and ethnicity. Most indicators are pulled from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. The tool is available for any community in the nation to use.
Census Bureau’s American Community Survey
The Census Bureau is the leading source of data about the people and economy of the United States. Data profiles contain the most popular social, economic, housing, and demographic data for a single geographic area.