
WA Portal partners use the Healthier Washington Collaboration Portal to support a variety of public health initiatives. WA Portal partners are having tremendous success connecting with public health professionals, organizations, and communities in ways that move our state forward in improving health outcomes for Washington State residents. Visit these partner pages to learn more. 

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See our site index for a list of health topics available on this website. Each health topic will provide specific subtopics with links to pages with relevant information. 

Learn about the school-based health center grant, Adolescent Health Needs Assessment, Washington Youth Sexual Health Innovation and Impact Network, the Youth Advisory Council, and other projects focused on adolescents and young adults.
Organizations that provide this physical and mental health resource to people in their communities can visit this site to stay up to date about the program. Learn about how to launch this wellness program in your area.
Community-based birth worker organizations are striving to improve birth outcomes by addressing and reducing the racism faced by birth workers and families. See birth equity data and read about current and former project grantees.
Health care professionals, clinics, and prime contractors working with the BCCHP and WISEWOMAN programs can find forms, tools, and training materials for participating in the program.
This Care Connect resource page provides partner updates and an informational flyer in English and several other languages for distribution to clients who need assistance with exposure to COVID-19.
Read about current projects and find child and family data sources in this work connected to local health jurisdictions, state agencies, community-based organizations, and others that are strengthening state and local systems to improve the health and safety of children and their families.
The Community Collaborative supports partners so they can connect with each other, share efforts, leverage resources, and facilitate opportunities to collaborate. Follow their updates and meetings on this site.
Explore an interactive map of program partners, access program resources, and read the quarterly newsletter. The project seeks to ensure that Washington communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19 have access to critical health and safety information and resources.
The Community Health Worker Leadership Committee works to develop key priorities and guidance to inform education, training, and other aspects of the CHW workforce. Read about the group’s strategic goals and actions.
The EHDDI Program has created multiple trainings to educate Family Resources Coordinators and early support providers about working with the families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Community health workers or prospective CHWs in eastern Washington use this site to provide connection, share community and clinical resources, trainings opportunities, and job boards.
Workers at public health agencies can get an overview of Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) and how it works by going through an interactive training module available here. Resources are also provided on how to implement eCR within your organization.
Available in English and Spanish, read announcements and learn about meetings held by the Environmental Justice Council’s work to bring forward the voices of disproportionately impacted communities and inform the state’s environmental justice efforts.
Available in English and Spanish, see updates on the work involving community-driven leaders to establish geographically-based health equity zones and the projects they will undertake to identify and address pressing health concerns in that zone.
Partners across academia, government, public health practice, and the private sector are exploring strategies for practical applications of artificial intelligence to advance public health initiatives. See what state and national leaders shared at a comprehensive summit in Seattle.
HEALWA helps Washington state healthcare providers stay up to date in their fields by providing online access to a library of toolkits, databases, eBooks, and eJournals. Learn which providers are eligible to access HEALWA.
Members of primary care clinics are invited to participate in training and gain support in their clinics to reduce the risk of death by perinatal suicide and accidental overdose.
This site provides information for two Practice Improvement Projects across five Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) in Washington state. This work supports the MCOs in collective quality improvement work to improve an area of focus.
This website offers DOH required trainings, deliverable grids and workplans, guidance documents, and other resources for local health jurisdictions and community-based organizations that are funded and contracted to provide syndemic prevention services.
Public health professionals working to address the impact of substance use on families will find information on birthing hospitals, the Family Treatment Court program, housing, lactation guidance and much more.
Organizations seeking to improve access to primary healthcare for underserved populations can connect with the National Health Service Corps and Health Professional Shortage Areas programs on this site.
Learn about the Washington State Public Health Academic Learning Collaborative (WA PHALCO). Visit our Resource Hub with curated resources for public health students, faculty, and practitioners, and explore a map of all public health academic degree programs in Washington.
See the latest meeting agendas and learn the focus and purpose of this governor-appointed body convened to advise and provide feedback on the public health system, with a focus on governmental public health services.
Learn about four community-rooted Urban Indian organizations that have partnered with the state Department of Health on projects aimed at reducing COVID-19-related health disparities.
See webinars and videos in English and Spanish to support community-based workers and community health workers. The recordings offer health and wellness strategies and approaches for your work, and that you can share with clients or family members.
A partnership comprised of public and private stakeholders across Washington State providing information about the WA CARES about Cancer Partnership to cancer professionals and public health advocates.
Rural health systems and communities will find a range of resources here to help them integrate palliative care in multiple settings, such as emergency department, inpatient, skilled rehabilitation, home health, hospice, primary care, and long-term care.
Led by the Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes Prevention Program at the state Department of Health, this site helps health professionals and community-based partners reduce the impact of cardiovascular diseases in our communities.
This multiorganization collaborative provides strategic direction and federal funding guidance for information technology projects that have cross-organizational or state enterprise impact. See which agencies are involved and look at the latest action plan.
Learn how the state will use opioid settlement funds to address the opioid public health emergency. The site provides answers to frequently asked questions and settlement resources.
Local agency WIC staff and others can gather information and resources about the pathways and career growth to becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.