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HEZ Evaluation Materials
Evaluation Materials
The Health Equity Zones Initiative is excited to release a series of new materials that document the community-led process of selecting the first pilot zones in Washington state. This includes a Community-Led Decision-Making Case Study and three supplemental guides on Program Co-Creation, Evaluation, and Community Participation. The materials shed light on the positive impacts of community-led decision-making and offer actionable insights that government agencies can use to strengthen how they partner with communities.
HEZ Caso de estudio sobre la toma de decisiones comunitaria (español)
HEZ Program Co-Creation Guide (English)
HEZ Creación Conjunta del Programa guía (español)
HEZ Evaluation & Learning Guide (English)
HEZ Evaluación y aprendizaje guía (español)
HEZ Community Participation Guide (English)
HEZ Participación comunitaria guía (español)
About HEZ Evaluation Work
The Health Equity Zones Initiative uses a participatory action approach to evaluation, meaning those involved in the initiative develop the evaluation and use the findings for collective action. Our approach to evaluation centers community knowledge and self-determination, catalyzing action and systemic change, and embedding the practice of reflection, dialogue, and learning into all aspects of the initiative.
In the development phase of the initiative, a team of Community Advisory Council members, Community Workgroup members, and DOH program staff came together to evaluate the process of zone selection. The Health Equity Zones Evaluation Team spent the last three years documenting and evaluating participatory decision-making strategies used in zone selection to identify key learnings.