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Washington CARES About Cancer Partnership

This site is dedicated to cancer professionals and public health advocates who want information about the WA CARES about Cancer Partnership.
If you are a cancer patient, caretaker, or survivor looking for information about specific cancers, treatment options, or locating care, we encourage you to use the resources on the American Cancer Society’s website
Who are the WA CARES partners?
The partnership is comprised of public and private stakeholders across Washington State. Partners include:
Group meetings are open to all professionals currently engaged in this work.
Who should get involved in this work?
Anyone who is currently working in cancer control is invited to participate in any of our working groups. Members may include; local health professionals, oncologists, nurse navigators, researchers, university partners, community advocates and leaders, and survivors.
In order to prevent the burden of cancer on Washington residents it takes leaders like you!
Please consider joining our network to connect with other passionate change makers around the state of Washington and beyond.
What is the purpose of this partnership?
In 2001, the state formed the Comprehensive Cancer Control Partnership. The name has since changed to Washington CARES About Cancer Partnership. CARES stands for Community Action, Research, and Evidence-based Systems. WA CARES was founded to addresses the burden of cancer in the state of Washington. We take the strategies that have worked around the nation and make them into a blueprint for action.
Tools and resources for this group:
Each group uses specific resources to implement evidence-based interventions with key projects. If you are curious about what these projects are please contact us directly.
Have questions or want to learn more?