Note: Some links to federal government websites may be broken due to presidential executive orders.
Tools for Palliative Care Conversations about COVID-19
VitalTalk put together a great set of COVID-19 conversation resources called “COVID-19 Ready Communication Playbook.”
Colleagues who have assisted our rural palliative care work, Tammy Bhang, DNP, ARNP, ACHPN and Juan Iregui, MD, MA, FAAHPM offer these resources to rural health teams. The two attachments below are companion pieces to this video.
Ariadne’s Serious Illness Care Program developed a patient-facing guide, "Being Prepared in the Time of COVID-19," to help people take action and talk about their priorities for treatment if they become sick with COVID-19. This guide was developed in partnership with The Conversation Project and with generous support from the Cambia Health Foundation.
Resources for Spanish translated palliative care –
Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) Tools
Palliative Care COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 Response Toolkit Crisis symptom management and communication protocols for all clinicians, and palliative care team tools for responding to COVID-19.
Palliative Care and the Impact of COVID-19 On-demand Briefing
Serious Illness, Palliative Care, and the Impact of COVID-19 Briefing
Telehealth Resources from CAPC
Telehealth Start-Up Guide Key components of telehealth service delivery, especially in a home-based palliative care program.
Telemedicine: Virtual Connection in an Age of Social Distancing Dr. Michael Fratkin makes the case for telemedicine and provides tips for the best possible interaction during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Articles on Telehealth
Telemedicine in the Time of Coronavirus Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 3/30/2020
COVID-19 expanded telemedicine measures that we’ve needed for years Quartz 4/3/2020
Coronavirus Crisis Drives Demand for Palliative Care Wall Street Journal 4/3/2020