Committed to Action!

Youth advisory council graphic with pictures and images of young people and washington animals.

We are committed to responding to the feedback and recommendations of the Youth Advisory Council through implementation and action. Activities to honor their feedback are already under way. Check out what we're working on:

Youth Advisory Council Report of Recommendations: 2022 Cohort
Front page of the youth advisory council report
Teen Health Hub WA

Throughout 2023, DOH collaborated with members of the Youth Advisory Council and youth interns and volunteers to cocreate a new DOH webpage just for teens and young adults. Teen Health Hub WA is a curated directory of accurate and reliable health information. This activity is an example of our implementation of the YAC's recommendation for increased access to high quality, accurate and reliable health information for young people.

Check out Teen Health Hub WA in the news!

Screen shot of Teen Health Hub WA. Includes image of logo and various images of young people in Washington landscapes.

Learn more about the Youth Advisory Council members who contributed to the creation of the Hub:

YAC Member  Age Bio
Alexander 18  
Aryaa 16 It's been an honor to help put together the Teen Health Hub. Aside from serving the WA DOH YAC, I enjoy academics, reading, participating in extracurriculars, lifting, and blasting music while driving in my dad's car :) 
Cara 22 I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in History with a double minor in Justice Studies and Sustainable Food Systems. After graduation, I plan to go to law school. I am dedicated to creating a more compassionate, educated, and just world; this dedication has led me to be interested in public health and inspired me to get involved with DOH’s Youth Advisory Council, as well as DOH’s T1D Teen Connect program. In my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, volunteering, traveling, running, playing musical instruments, learning new languages, and spending time with my animals.
Chanthea 16 Hi, I'm Chanthea! I was one of the first original members to participate in the Youth Advisory Council. I wanted to join the YAC to help educate youth about public health services. Most importantly, I wanted to help make a difference in the Washington state community and help marginalized communities seek information around public health forums. In the future, I hope to get involved in more public health research opportunities and become a pediatrician.
Darren 15  
Desi 17

Desi is a passionate advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, with a particular focus on supporting youth in rural areas of Washington. They joined the youth advisory council to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and to gain insights on how to provide better support for LGBTQ+ youth. Desi is dedicated to fostering inclusivity and creating safe spaces for all young people to thrive.

Fiona 19  
Husna 14  
Jay 16  
Josue 17 Hi, I'm Josue! A member of the Youth Advisory Council. I wanted to join the YAC to help educate youth and myself about the importance of healthy communities. In the future, I hope to use my education, perspectives, and experiences to help push for more access to healthcare and mental health services.
Juwayriyah 19  
Koumudi 20 Koumudi, an honors undergrad public health student in Seattle, serves as an intern for the Youth Voice Adolescent Health Program. Collaborating on impactful social media strategies for the DOH Instagram, Koumudi champions community-based public health interventions. Her passion in public health is to reduce health outcomes among youth and adolescents, locally and globally. Active in research and local nonprofits and community-based organizations, she amplifies youth engagement and health education, fostering community well-being. She aspires to pursue a master's in public health and further research in public health.
Lorenzo 15 Hello everyone! I am currently a sophomore in Tacoma. In my free time, I like to study, bake, listen to music, and play the piano. I am also active in Model UN, which instilled in me an appreciation for discussing current issues. In addition, I have also been fascinated by the field of public health. These two interests were what brought me to join the Youth Advisory Council, where I am grateful to have gained friends from different backgrounds and enhance my understanding of different public health issues.
Margreta 15  
Mariama 16  
Mazzy 20  
Micah 16  
Muad 17 I’m a current Senior in high school and love making change!
Nede 21 Nede is a college student studying public health. She joined the YAC to connect with other likeminded youth interested in youth outreach, particularly access to health services. In the future, she plans to work within the areas of global health policy, medicine, and academia. During her free time, she likes to listen to music, try new restaurants, and read.
Noor 17

Hey there, my name is Noor and I am a member of the DOH Youth Advisory Council. I wanted to join the YAC to help make mental health resources accessible to teens of all ages. I’m extremely passionate about breaking the stigma around mental health resources and medication. I hope to work closely with the DOH in the future to help foster a safer environment for all young people with mental health struggles!

Santoshi 17  
Shubham 17 Hi everyone! I’m a lifelong Washingtonian who loves the Pacific Northwest and is passionate about mental health. I’m committed to promoting the well-being of youth and believe that every young person deserves access to quality healthcare and support services that foster healthy development. I am excited to be part of a team that aims to make this a reality!
Skylar 18 I joined YAC to help represent the interests and needs of my generation for the DOH.
Stephanie 18  
Tara 22  
Health Care How-Tos for Teens and Young Adults

The Youth Advisory Council recommended that trusted adults and organizations create more how to guides on important adolescent health topics, like how to make a doctor's appointment and how to find health insurance. 

We collaborated with the YAC to develop scripts for our first How to videos: How to Schedule a Doctor's Appointment and How to make sure your appointment stays confidential. These are available on our You Tube Playlist: Health Care How-Tos for Teens and Young Adults - YouTube

We created a companion material for each video, too:

  • Health Care How-Tos for Teens and Young Adults: How to schedule a doctor's appointment - What you need to know and telephone script in English and Spanish

  • Teens, Privacy, and Healthcare - Poster for teens about health care rights, digital download - in English and Spanish. Contact us for information about printing.

Video thumbnail showing a bear with a green hat.
Privacy and Confidentiality for Teens and Youth-Serving Health Care Providers

The Youth Advisory Council said young people want to know more about their health care rights, including what health care services they can consent to on their own, and what health information their provider will keep confidential.

In response, we've developed several new resources for young people and for youth-serving health care providers:

  • We collaborated with the Adolescent Health Initiative at the University of Michigan Health to develop a new Sparks training for youth-serving health care providers. The training focuses on best practices for understanding minor consent laws and providing confidential care for youth, and includes a facilitator's guide, a slide presentation, vignettes to practice, a handout, and a poster for youth. Check out the Washington version at AHI's Sparks: Confidentiality Laws and Minor Consent.

  • We collaborated with the Youth Advisory Council to create a new video called: How to keep your health information confidential. Check it out on our playlist at: Health Care How-Tos for Teens and Young Adults - YouTube

  • Teens, Privacy, and Healthcare - Poster for teens about health care rights, digital download - in English and Spanish. Contact us for information about printing.

Emergency Contraception FAQ

The YAC's Sexual and Reproductive Health Subcommittee worked with experts at DOH to develop a new FAQ about emergency contraception - also known as Plan B or the "morning after pill". The Subcommittee came up with the idea for an FAQ on this topic, brainstormed questions young people want answers to, and collaborated with DOH staff to research answers to the questions and design the tool. 

screenshot of the emergency contraception FAQ document
Peer Support Services in Schools

The Youth Advisory Council recommended more information about and access to peer support for behavioral health needs. To respond to this recommendation, we are piloting a new grant type for school-based behavioral health peer support services. Learn more at: Behavioral Health SBHC Grant Information

Activities in progress...
  • A new Youth-Friendly Certification developed by young people for youth-serving primary care, Title X, and behavioral health clinics and practices

  • A new series of videos about well care checks (annual doctor appointment) for teens and young adults - we're collaborating with on this!

  • Information on eating disorders for teens and young adults.