

stock photo of two women, one seated one standing in a science lab looking at a large computer monitor.

This post card can be given to patients for more information about Chronic Care Management Resource. For Spanish version, click here Category: chronic disease prevention and control
Behavioral health providers contracted with Medicaid can now access OneHealthPort, Washington state’s Provider Data Service and Health Information Exchange (HIE) system, for a more comprehensive view of a client’s engagement in care.
This guide provides comprehensive, national guidance for management of pregnant and parenting women with opioid use disorder and their infants. The clinical guide helps healthcare professionals and patients determine the most clinically appropriate action for a particular situation and informs individualized treatment decisions.
The mission of the National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care is to create clinical practice guidelines that improve the quality of palliative care in the United States. Specifically, the clinical practice guidelines promote quality palliative care, foster consistent and high standards in palliative care, and encourage continuity of care across settings.
New York City Health + Hospitals, one of the country's largest public health care system, uses a collaborative care model to integrate mental health into primary care. They provide screening and treatment in the primary care setting. Main takeaways:
Report and Recommendations from the Bree Collaborative Treatment of pain varies widely between systems and clinicians with high financial and human cost. Moving to a collaborative or team-based approach to managing complex pain has been shown to result in better patient outcomes. However, most approaches to pain management including chronic opioid therapy involved siloed health care providers. This workgroup met from January 2018 to January 2019 and defined minimum standards for:
Collaborative Care for Opioid and Alcohol Use Key Points Question:  Does collaborative care for opioid and alcohol use disorders increase treatment use and self-reported abstinence compared with usual primary care?
Collaborative care has a way of stretching the skill sets of all involved. Over the past few years, we have come to realize the importance of treating not only common mental disorders but also addiction problems in primary care. Mark Duncan, M.D., shares his experience treating patients with substance use disorders in a collaborative care model and shows us that leveraging the strengths of collaborative care for addiction treatment has much promise. —Jürgen Unützer, M.D., M.P.H.
A questionnaire used to assess suicide risk, available in 114 languages.
Research through a National Institutes of Health grant proved that “communication skills for serious illness are learnable.” VitalTalk is a nationally known Seattle 501(c)(3) that disseminates that research. VitalTalk states, “We believe every clinician can become a better communicator.”