South King County HEZ

South King County HEZ

Are you part of the SeaTac, Burien, or Tukwila communities? The Health Equity Zone Initiative supports the South King County HEZ in identifying pressing health concerns and developing projects to address their unique needs. We invite you to share your ideas and community health priorities for this zone. 

An online survey, translated into several languages, is available below:












South King County HEZ Timeline (2023 - present)

December 2024 

The SKC Coalition met in early December to connect and create a strategic plan for 2025 to prepare for additional community listening sessions, evaluation, and sharing back what was heard at the October listening session. 

October 2024 

The South King County HEZ held their first listening session in Tukwila on October 24. Community members came together to share their priorities and perspectives to regarding health equity in this zone. More information about future community listening sessions will be shared through the Coalition’s communication channels. 

September 2024 

Throughout this month, the South King County (SKC) Coalition made preparations to host the first community listening session for the SKC HEZ. This listening session is an opportunity for connection for community members, the Coalition, and DOH to discuss health needs and priorities in this zone.  

August 2024 

Using the outreach plan designed in Spring 2024, the South King County HEZ began outreach in Fall 2024. Zone partners are worked to set up supports and materials to ensure access for community members. 

June 2024 

At an in-person retreat in Tukwila at the end of April, the South King County Health Equity Zone Coalition (SKC HEZ) developed an outreach plan, and identified which populations in the cities of Burien, SeaTac, and Tukwila they wanted to focus on engaging in outreach. These include recent (<15 years) immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers and their families, including youth and elders. 

The Coalition also plans to engage native communities in these cities, and groups that have immigrated more than 15 years ago and have built resettlement support systems. SKC HEZ outreach strategies include using community ambassadors/navigators, participating at summer events, and holding language-specific focus groups. 

January 2024 

In January 2024 the SeaTac-Tukwila Community Coalition began regularly meeting to lay the groundwork for this zone, which they named the South King County Zone.  A video that shows the work of the coalition prior to the HEZ Initiative can be viewed here: SeaTac-Tukwila Community Coalition » Global to Local  

August 2023 

The combined communities of Burien, SeaTac, and Tukwila comprise one of the most diverse regions of the state, it is home to immigrant and refugee populations representing numerous ethnic and racial groups, with more than a dozen languages commonly spoken. The nomination for Burien, SeaTac, and Tukwila highlighted the challenges new residents face when relocating to Washington.