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Data Modernization Initiative news
The DOH Digest is pleased to introduce Data Modernization Initiative news section. It will feature regular announcements, updates, milestones, and general information about DOH’s on-going effort to build a resilient, adaptable, and sustainable 'response-ready' data surveillance system for Washington state. For questions regarding these articles, email DOH Partner Engagement Coordinator Teresa McCallion.
Data Infrastructure Gap Analysis: You told us what you thought. Here’s what we plan to do.
The Washington State Department of Health maintains approximately 50 surveillance data systems used by epidemiologists, data analysts, and researchers to identify and monitor disease levels in communities. Each system was developed independently, leading to duplicative data structures, formats, standards, and protocols. The diversity of systems limits interoperability and DOH's capacity to share data with partners in a timely manner.
To understand the scope of the problem, DOH contracted with the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice at the University of Washington to conduct an assessment and gap analysis of our data infrastructure, systems, and workforce.
Invitations to participate in the gap analysis were included in a presentation at the March 2022 meeting of the Washington State Association of Local Public Health Officials. Additional requests were sent to specific local health jurisdictions (LHJs) to ensure a balanced representation of geographic location and size.
Separate conversations are occurring with tribal partners.
Thirty-eight people from 13 LHJs participated along with 30 DOH staff.

What we heard
Issues ranged from siloed systems that cause delays, a lack of data standardization, and complicated data use agreements. These are outlined in the 2022 Data Modernization Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis Summary.
Next steps
Since the completion of the gap analysis, DOH has established the Center for Data and Systems Modernization. This team is developing a data modernization implementation plan, including processes and tools to support our collaborative effort. The Center is also working on building a guidance team to develop more streamlined policies.
Washington state’s goal is to modernize disease surveillance systems and the overall health information ecosystem for improved data management, governance, analytics capabilities and increase interoperability, especially when it comes to sharing data with our partners. Investing in our people, processes, and technology will allow us to improve our data and analytics approach to solving modern public health problems.
This multi-year effort will require collaborating with our partners on a solution that will benefit all of us. The 2022 Data Modernization Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis summary is just the start of that process. Look for regular updates regarding our progress in the DOH Digest.
The DMI is a cross-agency project managed by the Center for Data and System Modernization. For an overview of our plan and progress visit Data Modernization Initiative Project Planning on the DOH website or contact us at