DOH Digest



DOH’s Tribal Data Team has added a Tribal Data Hub to the Partner Hub SharePoint site. This new page includes resources, a data request form, technical assistance, and training to support Tribes and partners in accessing and using data held by DOH.
The DOH Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program has published a new case investigation manual. Also, beginning April 1, an enhanced exposure question package within the Blood Lead Module will be added to the Washington Disease Reporting System.


The DOH Center for Health Statistics Birth and Fetal & Infant Death dashboards for 2011 through 2023 have been updated with 2022-2023 data. These updates reflect the newest release of population estimates from the Office of Financial Management. The updated rates may differ from previously published rates due to changes in population estimates used in the previous release.
The WA HEALTH dashboard is live, allowing users to access key healthcare resource data. The dashboard supports ongoing efforts to enhance healthcare preparedness and response.
DOH is hosting a bi-monthly WA HEALTH Office Hours/User Group Meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for April 2 at 1 p.m.

Communication Resources

DOH released a Respiratory Virus Illness Guidance one-pager that summarizes existing DOH guidance on what to do when you are sick with COVID-19 or another respiratory virus. The new one-pager, intended for the general public, replaces the COVID-19 Decision Trees for the General Public. It does not apply to health care settings, correctional facilities, or homeless shelters.
Join us in raising awareness about youth substance use prevention. DOH is committed to providing resources to help reduce and prevent youth substance use. In recognition of National Drug and Alcohol Facts week, from March 17 through 23, DOH will share information on social media to educate and support communities in making informed choices.

Learn and Share

The Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Network Leadership Team has been working with LHJs and local groups to develop and share strategies to address chronic health conditions. The group will meet Tuesday, March 18, from 9-11 a.m., to discuss funding and establish new workgroups. Learn more about CDNLT and how to join the virtual meeting.
The Office of Communicable Disease Epidemiology is offering brief training webinars geared toward staff that are new to the field as well as monthly meetings to continue engaging discussions with communicable disease investigators, epidemiologists, nurses, and other health professionals.