During the 2022-2023 school year, DOH's School-Based Health Center (SBHC) grant program led to over 3,000 medical and 4,000 behavioral health visits conducted at grant-funded SBHCs. The program grants awards for organizations to plan, start-up, maintain operations, or improve behavioral health services at an SBHC in Washington.
In addition to the health visits over the last school year, two new grant-funded SBHC's opened their doors and all six planning grantees completed their plans to start a new SBHC. Read more about the grantees' projects on the SBHC Story Map.
This program will continue to improve and expand based on feedback from first year's implementation and recommendations from partners and the new SBHC Community Advisory Board.
"It is important that SBHCs have their own identities based on the community they serve." - 2022 SBHC survey respondent
Check out the SBHC Program webpage for more information about the grant program, engagement opportunities, and SBHC resources.